Welcome to UXL Practice! We are the makers of the UXL aluminum practice drum stick. Our site is currently under construction and we are still in the middle of getting more production sticks manufactured for sale. Please bear with us and check back soon.
How to use UXL Practice Sticks
When used properly, UXL Practice sticks strengthen the wrist muscles, build endurance, improve agility and help you achieve greater stick control. Consistent practice on a drum pad with UXL Practice sticks greatly improves, power, dexterity, speed, endurance and stick reciprocity.
The weight of solid metal UXL Practice sticks allows the stick to bounce back to execute the next stroke with minimum amount of effort. This is called reciprocation. Stick reciprocation is critical to gaining stick control, timing and technique.
As the downward energy of the stick is transferred to the pad, the stick will reciprocate back up in equal measure to the amount of energy expended, like the action of dribbling or bouncing a ball. Learning to allow the stick to cock back naturally to the correct position to facilitate the next down stroke is critical.
WARNING! UXL Practice sticks are made from solid aluminum and are NOT to be used on electronic or acoustic drums or ANYTHING other than a practice pad. They are designed for practice pad use ONLY! UXL Practice IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM MISUSE OF THIS PRODUCT.
For any questions please contact us:
Email: info@uxlpractice.com